Matevz Celik: New Architecture in Slovenia

W+B Agentur-Presseaussendung September 2007
<< Matevz Celik: New Architecture in Slovenia>>
2007. 192 S. 355 Abb. in Farbe. 24x27cm. geb. Englisch. Euro 49,45
I:\CANTAO-14-15\wwwroot -Archiv-kultur-punkt-00-14\praesentation\architektur\springer07-9Celik-ArchitectureSlovenia.htm   < Bildzugang
The first overview of new Slovenian architecture. 30 projects completed over the last ten years. A self-confident scene introduces itself.
The countries in Central and Eastern Europe have undergone far-reaching economic and social changes over the last 15 years. This makes way for new conditions for new living spaces.
In the economically flourishing state of Slovenia, which became a member of the EU in 2004, architecture production has developed with great optimism but also with a discernible bit of concern. Questions concerning the maintenance of the quality of life and the identity of cities, villages and landscape planning are of great interest at the moment. Slovenia’s new architecture is taking a new approach to these problems and receiving great international recognition.
The book discusses around 30 projects and includes descriptions, photos and plans. The projects include administration and office buildings, as well as educational and residential buildings.
Written for: Architects, students, interested laymen...

Neben den zumeist an die frustrierend geometrisch-gerasterten Trends der nördlichen und westlichen Architekturbüros anklingenden 26 gezeigten und realisierten Projekten zeigen 4 davon einen durchaus eindrücklichen Weg in Richtung Europäische Kultur-Gemeinschaft und zugleich erdzugewandt-ökologische Behutsamkeit unter Einbezug des restnatürlichen Umfeldes:
1 Cemetery, Novo Mesto 2000 von Architekt Ales Vodopivec,
2 Moutain Retreat, Livek 2003 von Architekt Rok Klanjscek,
3 Studios, Ljublijana 2005 von Architekten Gregoric, Klanjscek, Vrhovec
und besonders herausragend in der Liebe zur Natur durch das sich Anschmiegen des trapezförmigen Baukörpers im Querschnitt an einen südwärts zugewandten Hang: A New Bivouac System -
4 Bivouac I, Stol mountain ridge, Julian Alps, 2002 von Architekt Miha Kajzelj: