Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

W+B Agentur-Presseaussendung September 2006
'scape 1: The International Magazine 
Series: Scape , Vol. 1; Stichting Lijn in Landschap (Ed.)
2006, 82 p., 172 illus., 172 in colour, Softcover, ISBN: 3-7643-7511-6; 16,05 €
Verlag für Architektur, Birkhäuser; Basel, Berlin, Boston;;

The first issue of the international professional journal, trade journal “’scape” coincides with the Fourth European Biennale of Landscape Architecture in Barcelona and the awarding of the Rosa Barba European Award for Landscape Architecture in March 2006.
This issue looks closely and critically at the projects submitted for the Rosa Barba Landscape Architecture Award, profiles the organizers of the Biennale, and describes important developments in Catalan landscape architecture and town planning. Each of the following issues of “’scape” will be oriented around a single principle subject, with four profiles of internationally significant projects and personalities, three critiques by knowledgeable authors, and important information from other areas of landscape architecture and town planning.

“The combination of landscape architecture and town planning is extremely topical and possesses worldwide relevance.” Kees Christiaanse

“´scape is outstanding, the presentation instructive. There has long been a need for a journal like this.” Carl Fingerhuth

'scape das neue Kultur-Magazin berichtet überwiegend drei-spaltig über Biennalen, Kulturlandschaft, Landschaftsarchitektur, mehrheitlich über Urbanes sowie Architektur und Design.
Interessierte Architekten, Bauingenieure, Studenten, kulturgeschichtlich und sowie FreundInnen und LiebhaberInnnen von Geometrie, Geomantie(nur ungewollt und fast unmerklich manches Mal hervorschimmernd) und symmetrischer Schönheit: für alle diese gilt dieses Journal als ein Muss.. und sie sparen die Reise vor Ort